Friday, November 2, 2012

Imran Khan Supporting & Legitimizing Taliban Propaganda

Imran Khan - chairman of PTI, Pakistan's radical rightwing political party - in his recent tweets defended the Taliban propaganda by legitimizing what they claim their war to be. He supported them by admitting that Taliban's war against America is for their religion. While a rational person would argue that Taliban are only fighting to seize political power through violent means.

Imran Khan tweeted:

Besides his tweets being factually wrong, there is a bigger problem with what he is suggesting. His statements can be seen as another Pakistani leader's attempt at manipulating Afghanistan's politics and future. Khan has also stated that the "holly war" in Afghanistan is justified by Islamic Law. 

The sheer fact that the Taliban, (which he mentions) are the Afghan Taliban (not the Pakistani Taliban) and are the ones America is fighting in Afghanistan using ground troops and in Pakistan using drone warfare, shows Imran Khan is either a person who is too naive and ignorant or a manipulative liar who would say anything to win the urban conservative vote. 

Linking Afghan Taliban and their war against U.S. (and their ambitions of taking over Afghanistan) to the Pakistan Taliban who reject Pakistani courts, constitution, and democracy is not only a mistake on Khan's part but also seems to be a strategy to confuse his young supporters into becoming increasingly anti-American in a nation that already blames America for all their ills. 

Imran Khan's solution to fighting militancy in Pakistan (against Pakistani Taliban) is to let Afghan Taliban get the control of Afghanistan, while letting Pakistan Taliban move deep into Pakistan and take over like they did in Swat and Red Mosque a few years ago. He opposed the government's actions against the Red Mosque extremists as well as the military operation against those who occupied Swat and continue to occupy FATA areas to launch attacks on mainland Pakistan. 

In a nutshell, Imran Khan will support anything that's good for his career even if it is bad for Pakistan.

Imran to ‘punish’ Nato forces for US drone strikes

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